
Do I Need A Website

Make sure to place your "exact" desired keyword phrase within your first paragraph.How exactly does Double Horse 9101 the best Owensboro Internet Marketing team bring your business more leads, resulting in more business and eventually long term clients? Video is how we help your business get on the first page of the major search engines.Why use video? Let me answer that with this story....Let's say I am in need of a good tax attorney because my business is booming and I want to make sure everything I do with my business is legit. So I head to Google and type in "Houston tax attorney". When I hit the enter button, immediately I am fed with pages and pages of information on different tax attorney's in Houston. But I will only stick with the handgrip yellow first page, because who wants to read through more than one page of listings right?I choose the first 2 websites that come up on the search results. The first website has a picture of the tax attorney with a couple of paragraphs telling a little bit about him and his credentials. Just about as boring as seeing a construction truck go down the street with the words "licensed, bonded, and insured" on it. They're ALL doing that.I now go to the second website and I'm greeted with a video that automatically starts playing and THIS tax attorney tells me about my problem, how he can solve it, who else it has worked for, and then what I will get for free if I contact him!Well now we have something, don't we? This is what we, the best internet marketing team in Owensboro, calls creating a relationship with the potential client or customer.As your premier Owensboro internet marketing group, we will show you what it takes to create a relationship with your customers so that they WANT to come back to you time and time again to keep doing business with YOU.After all, people will only do business with people they:1. Know2. Like, and3. TrustOnce they know, like, and trust you, the sales process will begin.But why video, Jesse?The search engines are now bringing up video as part of their search results. Just Google a "how to" question and you'll see.We use these tactics to our advantage so that we may1. rank you on the first page of Google2. help you develop that relationship with your customersSo keep that in mind when you choose your marketing team of experts Syma S023G to help you out with your marketing and advertising.Ask yourself this question- "how are my yellow page ads working out for me?" Are you tracking how many people those ads brought in to your business last year? My guess is, not a whole lot.So get off this computer and please call Ayers and Associates Marketing, which happens to be the best internet marketing team in Owensboro. We guarantee first page domination in the search engines which results in more leads and more business to your doors!

