
Avon Review - Why You Should Think Twice!

If you're looking to enroll with Avon or are already an Avon distributor, then this Avon Review is going to open your eyes about this industry. As you already know, this is a bad time Nail art to do business, and yet there is an industry, which hasn't been touched at all. That's right, Network Marketing. And a company like Avon who sells cosmetics, which every women still consumes no matter how bad the economy, is doing very well. This $10 Billion a year company has over 5.8 million distributors worldwide and shows no signs of slowing down. They are a household name and have a big product range that appeals to women of all types. A word of caution though. Don't let the brand name fool you into thinking that it is easy to be successful at this business. Like any other MLM company out in the market place, Avon representatives all suffer from one huge problem - a lack of marketing training. And there are alot of profitable distributors but many more unsuccessful ones too.The problem is that most MLM companies use only one style of marketing. Through branding their products and the company's name from the front end. By selling the dream to friends and family of being able to make tons of money and retire early. But unfortunately this marketing strategy is flawed in many ways.1. Your family and friends don't share the same dreams and dreams you do2. You only know a small amount of people you can promote to3. It takes a certain sort of individual to be chasing people for business on a daily basis4. There is only one marketing strategy5. Almost everyone in this business is marketing by selling the benefits of their company and products6. People don't like being sold toTo get over these issues, you will need to learn how to become a master marketer. You will need to move from a "prospecting" mindset, Nail Pen to a "marketing" mindset. You see, prospectors chase. Marketers "attract". And there is a huge distinction between the two. The first step to becoming a more effective marketer, is to start marketing the one thing that most Network Marketers don't market, THEMSELVES! This is a people business. People like to work with people that they like and trust. Therefore, marketing YOURSELF is one of the most important things you can learn to catapult your results.Here are some of the other ways you can tackle these 6 problems directly:1. Target a group of people like existing Network Marketers who already believe in the business but are having problems and need assistance.2. Bring your business onto the Net so that you get access to a huge pool of prospects3. Learn to market so that you can attract people towards you4. Market on many platforms so that you raise your chances of success5. Brand yourself so that you stand out from the crowd6. Create trust with potential prospects by positioning yourself as a leader These methods will dramatically raise your chances of doing well in a company like Avon. Implement them and watch the results.

