
Robotics in the United States and the Future

The United States is completely dropping the ball in the funding of robotics research to the point of endangering the future of our nation. Whereas we lead the field in some things we are very far behind in others and it is at Wholesale 3DS Case the point that if we do Wholesale 3DS Case not play catch up, we Travel Comfort will put our nation’s national security at severe risk. This is coupled with the fact that we do not have enough children entering the math and science arenas.

Although recently with the DARPA Grand Challenge and robotics competitions in High Schools and Colleges we have made some headway, but lack of funding is undermining our future needs as a sovereign country.

The National Science Foundation, which has funded robotics research in the past is now putting less than 10-million a year in funding now. That is a national tragedy and a disgrace. To all MP5 Players we are and all we have built in this great country. A country founded on entrepreneurialism and innovation and it is a slap Wholesale 3DS Case in the face to the forward progression of mankind. Some deny that the US lags other nations, but it takes only one look at Japan’s robotic research, white papers and commercial android like robotics to see, we are behind in many ways.

Sure we have some great Universities working on stuff such as MIT, Standford, Berkeley, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech and Carnegie Mellon, be we are not properly priming the pipe for the needs of our future. Think on this, but don’t bother arguing with me.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you Wholesale 3DS Case have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/